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WWA Wake Park World Championships 2017

29. September 2017 - 1. Oktober 2017

WWA - Wake Park World Champions

Wieder ist es soweit, die WWA Wake Park World Championships finden am Camsur Watersports Complex statt. (CWC)

„The 2017 WWA Wake Park World Championships returns to the Camsur Watersports Complex (CWC) in Camarines Sur, Philippines on September 29th – October 1st. Known worldwide as a premier wake destination, CWC is home to the sport’s most innovative features with a six-point cable system and amazing facilities. The 2017 WWA Wake Park World Championships will host the most progressive riding of the season as riders from over thirty countries make the journey to paradise in hopes of winning the 2017 world title.“


Camsur Watersports Complex
Camsur Watersports Complex
Pili, Camarines Sur Philippinen
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(054) 477 3344
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